This is my 'radio' series, jam-packed with comedy, music, storytelling, and celebrity guests!
Today, a reading from my first book, "The Famous Fakes", plus I introduce my manager Jim, who in turn introduces me to his other clients, the A Theatre Near You company. Special Celebrity Guests: John Cleese, Jimmy Stewart, Johnny Carson, Groucho Marx, the Beatles, Steve Martin, the Muppets, Woody Allen, Elvis Presley, Peter Sellers, Alan Alda, Jack Nicholson, and more!
In the second show, I read from my first two books, "The Famous Fakes" and "Mind U". Plus, there's some very silly music from our houseband, Fastidiots, and some more notable drop-ins to the studio! Special Celebrity Guests: Jack Nicholson, Yogi Bear, John Cleese, Dick Cavett, and Charlie Chaplin.
The J. D. Guinness Show featuring Jim Williamson, A Theatre Near You, and Fastidiots. Theme Music, "Soft & Hard", by Longzijun. Production by Jim Williamson.
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Click here to order my Ebook, Guinness' Grabbings!